TVC083 Tegan Martin Creating Space

business confidence dream team influencers model planning strategy success tegan martin vitality show Dec 19, 2017

TVC083 Tegan Martin Creating Space

Talking the importance of space, your dream team and listening to your own intuition with Model, wellness advocate and former Miss Universe Australia, Tegan Martin.

Working together with Tegan last week on her "what's  next" we ran through some of the core criteria for effortless success and the steps needed to navigate busy worlds and a fresh perspective on what success really looks like.

What happens when you are transitioning in careers. How do you deal with and avoid overwhelm. Who to trust, how to re-group and so much more even before you start working through a business and personal strategy for sustainable growth.

Early in 2018 Tegan will have a chance to share her personal story from young model to budding influencer and advocate for wellbeing. In the mean time we got together for a quick express session on the importance of cocooning to get focused and find out what is vital for your next steps in business and life.

Here's some of the quick tips on why you need to take time to cocoon and define how to:

  1. Have the right people around you
  2. Create your decision making criteria
  3. Use the create not chase approach

1. Having the right people around you

No matter where you are in your career, and surrounding yourself with good people to work with that lift you up.

Tegan felt like it's something that she was only aware of probably about six months ago. 

"When I started weeding out the people around me that weren't necessarily serving me anymore. and started manifesting the type of people that I wanted in my life, and the type of people that would inspire me on a daily basis, and what do you know? All of a sudden they start showing up, literally at your doorstep in some cases".

2. Be clear on your decision making criteria - defining what great looks life

In this first kick-off, we did Tegans' decision making criteria around what type of jobs she wanted to do, who to work with and what values were important to align with. So, really actually taking the time to define what great looked like for you.

Tegan: Exactly. I think it's really easy to just start taking on any opportunity rather than what is super aligned with who you are, especially if there's money involved. So, that's one thing that I wanted to work on with Nik.

Facing challenges of saying no and being decisive can be scary as it reflects a feeling of scarcity in case other work does not come to fruition. Especially if you're in an industry where it's about selling you, and your face and you're now stepping into that new broader role, which really requires running yourself as a business.

Tegan: Yeah, definitely. I think that most models, people in the entertainment industries, journalists, people on television have, at some point, experienced that scarcity mindset. It is the type of industry where you can be replaced overnight by a younger, more vibrant, energetic version of you, so you do always have that in the back of your head, and it's also really hard to get through the rollercoaster of emotions that you go through when you have without work.

So, 2018 for me is all about creating my own work and never feeling like I'm relying on external people for my ... what's a good word? For my ...

3. Create not Chase

It's crucial to feel like you are in the drivers seat so once you have defined who you need around you and what type of work you love to do it's time to create the game plan, content, opportunities and genuine connections that align with those elements.

Making time out that you could actually create the content that you wanted to do, that you could look at your contracts properly. You're the CEO of your business and your life. So that means not just creating a wish list but carving time in your agenda for great for creative ideas, budgets, and planning, and then activation. aka "doing the work".

Take Outs For Tegan

Some of the key things taken away from our session were based around how to not to undervalue yourself.

..some moments of 2017 I found myself taking on work that is probably not aligned with who I am and what I believe in. Just, once again, living out of that scarcity mindset, and thinking that there would be nothing better, so just taking anything that comes my way, and eventually just overwhelming myself to the point where I feel like I've taken on things in such different areas, and I sort of lost who I was, in a way.

  • Creating time to reset and define what's next away from the day-to-day distractions has been so vital for energy and conviction.
  • Have the initiative to be interested in all areas of business and strategy as you are your own brand
  • Do your research
  • Apply the 90-day planning
  • Be mature in your outlook
  • Making a promise to yourself that resonates and is real time. To do the work.


Tegan: My promise to myself is to not just absorb the information while I'm hear, and then walk away from Nikki being by my side, and just let it all fall apart.

I think I'm pretty programmed to doing that. I tend to read a book and be so excited about it in the moment, and then when I walk away, or put the book down, it sort of goes in one ear and out the other, and I'm onto the next information, or consuming the next thing, or reading the next blog, or looking at the next Instagram page with the famous quotes. So, it's just embodying and spending time on going over what Nikki and I have worked on, and really absorbing and applying it to my life rather than just letting it go.

  • Cutting it down to the 90 day, 30 day, seven day, and three tasks, just smash that off your list and stay focused.
  • Making that plan front and centre visible
  • Sharing it in a way you are asking others for support by ensuring what is on that list is crucial to you
  • Put less pressure on yourself by being focused.

Tegan: Yeah. I think Nikki's advice in breaking it down into your 90 days, your 30 days, your seven days, is the best piece of advice you could have given someone like me. I tend to get really excited and have 500 things on my goal list, and then, because I'm spreading my energy across all of them, I end up not actually getting one of them done properly. So, it's about working more efficiently, and breaking it down, and knowing that I still will do a book next year, but it may be at the end of the year rather than the start of the year. 

Use the Now Then Next and The "Later" Box

Put elements you would like to do but can't focus on now in the later box on the same page, so that you know they are written down and recognised but you are making the decision on what to focus on first. Building solid foundations.

This includes making a crap list  - if there's anything that's kind of bothering you, get it on paper and put it in the crap box.

You've go your now, then, next, the later stuff, so you're not losing sight of all the ideas, your inspiration and vision. And then there's the annoying things that you know that you need to deal with as well. Decide if they require immediate action and assign a task or if they are just stories in your head and you can let them go.


Summary Tips

  1. Don't be afraid to break things down
  2. Get the help that you need
  3. Embrace strategy
  4. Say no more often, but you can only do that when you're clear on your own goals. Make sure that they are so vital to you.
  5. Be Passionate
  6. Have a PurposeTegan: And if you haven't got a goal like that yet, then keep doing things, and exploring, and travelling until you do. Because I've tried to start a business based around a goal that I didn't want to fight people on before, and you lose interest pretty quickly. And I've finally, fortunately, found a passion for health and wellness, and preventing illness with food as medicine, because of an illness that I unfortunately experienced myself, but I'm now thankful for going through that hard time, because it's led me to something that gets me out of bed. And that annoys my friends and family because I never shut up about it. And that's the kind of thing you want to start a business on, because it means that you're never going to be bored, and you're never going to just feel like you're unfulfilled in waking up and working on your project.
  7. Make your Plan
  8. Turn off Social Media - Stay in Your Lane if it is a distraction
  9. Whilst you can be inspired by everyone on social media, and people you follow, it doesn't matter if you don't know what your thing is right now. That's totally fine. Don't feel inadequate or stressed about that, but do carve out some time to let some ideas come in. And just choose something super tiny, it might just even be starting course for four weeks. Tegan: I was going to just say before, Nik, last piece of advice from me is: turn your social media off during the day and delete your Instagram app. If it takes up as much time as it did for me in 2017, and distracts you as much as it did for me, I could have had my dream business flourishing by now if it wasn't for all the time I've spent worrying about what other people are doing with their business.

To be clear and achieve what real success looks and feels like it requires you to create space then hold your course, to be agile through change, to have good people around you but to nbe brave and define what all of that looks like.

Remember that it's not always just the first layer is, it's what goes on behind-the-scenes. Every single person, at every stage in their life and career, struggles with exactly the same self-doubt, chaos, overwhelm, over-information, and all you need to do is just pause and find someone that can help bring clarity, that's really what's it about.


Hold true to your ideas, and it's your life, and your mission.

We hope that anyone listening to this/reading this blog gets inspired.  You can follow Tegan on @tegan.martin on Instagram

Till next time - yours in health, wealth and wisdom



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