TVC070 Quality Sleep
Jan 23, 2017
TVC070 Quality Sleep
How to get back into a state of calm and make sure that you have quality sleep to rebuild your immune system, mental agility and physical wellbeing.
There may be something more valuable than money to some people right now, sleep.
It is the most important thing that our body needs to act well, be well, think well and do well, yet so many of us are lacking good quality sleep.
A lot of emphasis is placed on exercise and diet for general health and wellbeing, but a big part of this wellness and vitality picture is actually often left out.
Why Do We Need Quality Sleep
- System reboot: When you're lacking sleep you cannot recharge, meaning you have effectively reduced your levels of optimum health, as well as your performance.
- Builds Immunity
- Reduces Stress
- Encourages cell and function regeneration and repair
- Is essential for basic physical and mental performance
Quality sleep is vital to wellbeing. Now, this not news. Yet quality, peaceful sleep eludes many high achievers. So here's my top tips to help you get back into the land of zzz's without turning your world upside down.
If you don't get good quality sleep and suffer from insomnia here are the potential side effects: (as noted in the Harvard Medical School sleep study program)
- Increased risk of disease and health problems Study after study has revealed that people who sleep poorly are at greater risk for a number of diseases and health problems.
- Lack of sleep exacts a toll on perception and judgment. In the workplace, its effects can be seen in reduced efficiency and productivity, errors, and accidents. Sometimes the effects can even be deadly, as in the case of drowsy driving fatalities.
- What many people do not realise is that a lack of sleep—especially on a regular basis—is associated with long-term health consequences, including chronic medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, and that these conditions may lead to a shortened life expectancy.
When you are asleep, your body needs the ability to go into a deeper REM sleep, and this is the mode where all the magic happens for cell generation, muscle tissue recover, and recharging of that vitality battery of yours. Think of it as adding deposits to your vitality bank, energy in, energy out. This is where we build up our credits. Your investment to be able to operate to the best of your ability in the board room, in your family situation, just in life in general.
More info can be found on a previous post about why insomnia can play havoc with your health. The good news is there are simple ways to re-wire your sleep patterns for more effective and efficient sleep. Here are my personal favourites, whether you have ad-hoc insomnia or just feel you are sleep deprived there are some useful tips to regain your sleep mojo.
Step 1 Recognise how you got into the habit of bad sleep.
- Stress, overthinking things, over-training, a bad diet, long work hours, travel schedules, the wrong foods before bedtime are all sleep deprivers.
- Using the laptop, iPad or phone late in the evening, staying on social media too long or watching TV for extended periods before bed.
- Bad lighting and ventilation in the room or even clutter are also contributing factors, I know for me, I like to have natural light in the room, fresh air not air conditioning where ever possible.
- Unfamiliar surroundings, noise etc
Step 2: Get Back Into A Quality Sleep Pattern
- Avoid digital devices 1 hour before bed time
- Create a clam and airy room with good ventilation and limit external noise and distractions
- Read a book (on paper) and one that is more novel than business etc so you can relax your mind
- Use an app like OMVANA to play soothing meditation music and set the scene for your body and mind to wind down
- Do 3mins of slow stretching before bed or go into the Child Pose before bed for 3 mins and just allow your body to relax
- Leave your phone outside of the bedroom
- Try to set a regular time for yourself to go to sleep
Step 3: Know your own sleep requirements
I know that my magic number is 6 hours where other people it's 8 hours. Know your body and what you need to feel recharged.
Avoid training within two to three hours of bedtime. Make sure you've sufficient time to wind down and relax after you workout before heading to bed, really important.
Keep a sleep diary to identify your sleep habits and patterns, so you can share it with your doctor or specialist. You might find that you start recognising your own patterns, and you can change some habits as well. Include the foods you eat, the time you go to bed, as well when you get up in the morning.
Creating a relaxing environment with a diffuser and essential oils is also a great idea.
Step 4: Be Mindful Of The Message You Are Giving Yourself
Change your mindset about sleep. The key is ensuring that your insomnia or not sleeping through the night is not going to become a pattern, and if it has been a pattern, know now that there are ways around it. Trust in the process of making some small habit changes.
It's crucial to not talk yourself into a bad routine and more stress. I think you have to channel your thoughts from worrying less to a place of peace. If you keep saying "I can't sleep" chances are you'll not sleep well. Try Rebooting your mental hard drive.
Don't feel stressed about this issue but know that you can get back into control and start trying some practical ways to get sleep back into your life. For those of you with newborns, new businesses, new jobs or new situations, I know it's often hard, but it is vital to you being able to function and be the best version of yourself
Take the pressure off and put practical steps in place to run your body like your business and make sleep a priority not something you fear won't happen.
- Channel your thoughts from worry to a place of peace.
- Create a regular bedtime routine and a regular sleep wake routine.
- The other thing I would suggest you to do, and I've got this in my book VITALITY, keep a dairy of the things that are on your mind.
It's very, very important for you to look at sleep as part of your wellbeing to be a true Fitpreneur. Make it a priority to focus on getting quality sleep back into your life for it is essential to be healthy, wealthy and wise.
Remember, you are in charge of designing the life that you want, so its crucial to be the CEO of your personal as well as your business vitality.
Yours in Vitality
Note: If you suffer from chronic insomnia or other sleep disorders I highly recommend seeking professional help. Long periods of poor sleep can play havoc on your health and your life and ultimate vitality will elude you.
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