TMM139 How To Take Action And Stop Procrastination
Mar 26, 2021
TMM139 How To Take Action And Stop Procrastination
Adulting #4 Action Mode How To Set Clear Goals and Stop Self Sabotage.
Checkpoint #4 in the Adulting the Rally Of Life - the 7 part series based around the book
What side are you living your life on?
Drivers seat or passenger?
No matter where you sit now, everyone is experiencing overload, panic, and so much information - which is ironic, because despite the resources and tools around us, overwhelm is seemingly getting worse. I really believe that the fastest way to help solve overwhelm and go from chaos to calm is to stop for a second and figure out how you can take care of yourself. That’s the first step in adulting, recognising the signs of overwhelm and having the awareness to sit and think about what the discerning voice is that you’re listening to going forward.
In today’s video I walk you through how to go from a place of chaos to a place of understanding your situation and how you can start to define what your ‘great’ looks like.
We absolutely all have a defining point in our life.
No matter where you sit now, everyone is experiencing overload, panic, and so much information - which is ironic, because despite the resources and tools around us, overwhelm is seemingly getting worse.
I really believe that the fastest way to help solve overwhelm and go from chaos to calm is to stop for a second and figure out how you can take care of yourself. That’s the first step in adulting, recognising the signs of overwhelm and having the awareness to sit and think about what the discerning voice is that you’re listening to going forward.
That’s the first step in adulting, recognising the signs of overwhelm and having the awareness to sit and think about what the discerning voice is that you’re listening to going forward.
A) You have to choose how you’re going to show up.
- Are you going to be in the passenger seat or are you going to be in the driver’s seat of life?
- Are you going to be a person that life does stuff to or a person that does stuff with life?
B) Mindset is everything:
- How you navigate through this rally of life is really up to your perspective.
We know what we need to do to change, but there seems to be something holding us back - the fear of conflict that comes with standing up for our truth, communicating it, and then going after it.
How you navigate through this rally of life is really up to your perspective.
We know what we need to do to change, but there seems to be something holding us back - the fear of conflict that comes with standing up for our truth, communicating it, and then going after it.
In action mode, the best way to start creating change in your world is to understand that conflict does not always have to be the co-requisite of change.
If you’re constantly basing your decisions on past outcomes, you’re never going to be standing in a place of truth and grounded-ness.
How can you take ACTION and stop procrastination.
Ask yourself what the next right thing you can do in the next 90 days is.
If you 'bite size' chunk your year down to 90 days, 30 days, 7 days, you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by ideas and expectations and very seldom we have the opportunity to sit down with ourselves to figure what our ‘great’ looks like, or what our ideal world looks and feels like.
Take Action to Define
To take the leap of faith and define what great looks like then the immediate best next steps. Identify your needs/wants, the courage to take a leap of faith
+ follow through
We know what we need to do to change, but there seems to be something holding us back - the fear of conflict that comes with standing up for our truth, communicating it, and then going after it.
Choose curiosity over fear...
Nikki x