Are your perceptions sabotaging your possibilities?
Oct 26, 2022
Are your perceptions sabotaging your possibilities?
Are your perceptions just projections and holding you back from the awesome possibilities you have right now?
How to catch self sabotaging thoughts when we keep expecting and projecting the worst - when the best is actually right in front of us ☀️
What if you're actually supported, people already admire you and everything is already working out?
One of the biggest things I overcome daily as a coach is peoples 'perceptions' over-ruling their reality. Distrust, caution, expecting to be let down by someone or something. All pretty normal in today's world.
As a society we are conditioned to 'prepare for the worst' and "not get ahead of ourselves" or expect anything good from anyone..." This often results in a sitting back, wait to see, 'prove it to me', fear and lack approach.
We are so conditioned to think 'why bother' or 'it's too good to be true'.
I even notice this with private coaching: All my amazing private clients have 'an anytime SOS or reach out to me' option + we don't do 'normal' coaching - and that freaks people out who are used to following a one size fits all module by module week by week. Instead, we unpack each step with precision and don't rush. I also provide the ability to chat on demand or book in time as required...
How does this play out?
In the early stages new clients don't get this... they don't trust it...they either a) don't believe me, b) think they are bothering me or c) feel I am too busy...go figure.. ?! All that thinking before actually just reaching out and leaving a note or a message in our Whatsapp chat and seeing if I follow up.
I totally understand this internal roadblock as the people I coach are normally feeling responsible for everyone else and never really reach out for help - and find it really hard to do so....To have someone be there for them, and often not according to a rule book or "what they are used to" it isn't normal and it takes time to build that trust..It takes a reframing - and that takes some time. It takes a bit of faith to lean in and some consistency: but it's so worth it.
Therefore: I create constant reminders to say - reach out... don't be can I help... and we chat through those roadblocks with people to encourage them to test it out...
Whilst there is merit in being conscious in our decisions and discerning in who and what we trust - this 'expect the worst' mindset is not a protection - it is actually a sabotage of what great assets, people and opportunities sit right in front of us the whole time.
For example, we all get that world class athletes must master an unwavering focus and positive mindset. The mindset and focus these athletes need to see possibilities instead of problems...This is actually applicable to us all.
- The tools they apply work for anyone in life - it is a determination to have radical self belief, trust a set of inherent tools that we know provide informed decisions, and take leaps of faith that are backed by internal trust rather than external validation.
- We are all athletes in our own lives.
- Setting goals, mastering the day to day hustle, building businesses, creating families and chasing dreams.
I radically want to reframe how we approach life to a perspective of possibility rather than problems. I also want to reflect back that you could be putting roadblocks up where they don't exist.
Really? Read on.... it's worth it....
As Scott Pape (the author of The Barefoot Investor) wrote recently - "he loves the interest rate increases"! To quote him precisely from his newsletter on why he LOVES high interest rates:
"They give people an incentive to save money. They discourage people speculating on dumb things. They bring down house prices and give first home buyers a fighting chance to get in. And they help pensioners earn a few crumbs without risking all their money in the share market".
You see - it all comes down to perspective.
My mission: To empower people with their own positive, grounded and "in flow" feeling that becomes 90% of the basis for operations instead of it being a "positive being pleasant surprise" 10% of the time.
- I know this is possible
- I know how to get people there
- I deploy the tools myself even in the most challenging of circumstances....
- I can prove it time and time again
As a high performance coach it is my business to think about how people look at the world and the perspective they make their decisions from. So over to you:
You are the champion in your own backyard.
So here's how to practice shifting your mindset from worst case to "it always works out"....and to recognise when preconceived perceptions can be sabotaging your positive reality...
Follow these steps and be consistent:
step 1 ) Awareness to Accountability of what you tell yourself - replace the negative script and story with a positive and real goal instantly.
step 2) Accountability to Action - write down the blurts and the replacement sentences - take action to create the change in conversation you are having with yourself and others
step 3 ) Review and refine - check a statement you just made. Is that a projection and a perception... are you pointing at a project or person as a possible roadblock and issue and not realising you have 3 fingers pointing back at you? Be curious, lean in and check what filter you put on a person, a project or a program you are focusing on.
If you want to unlock possibilities versus problems - then you actually need to be willing to stop buying into the stories you tell yourself that everything and everyone is eventually going to let you down and create the new script instead:
"What if you're actually supported, people already admire you and everything is already working out?"
Try it on for size.
Life is about progress not perfection - take your power back and just get your thinking right first. It's an amazing tool where the rest of what you do will shift according to what you dare to focus on.
Let me know how you get on with this little challenge...... These tools work - I am working hard to help you get access to them in real time and a relevant way.
Take the next right step and you'll be surprised what doors open up ...and if you're not sure, just ask. All you need to do is hit reply.
Stay radical
PS: All these checkpoints can be watched, listened to and downloaded with the book and course bundle - and this month we're paying it forward so you get your course and can gift another for free. VALID FOR OCTOBER ONLY