Defining Your Vital Ingredients
Jan 11, 2022
Do you know your Vital Ingredients?
Are you ready for 2022 too!?
I am, and am super excited to be able to deploy many of the very small but necessary 'tools and resources' I use in my daily life to ensure that no matter what is going on around me I stay centred, calm and with a 'bigger perspective'. i.e don't sweat the small stuff.
"The very best way to be there for others and really create sustainable happy lives is to ensure you have your oxygen mask on first".
We know this - but how often do you REALLY ensure you are set for the day before the world sets upon you?
Let's take a quick pit stop:
- Do you know the simple rituals and routines that have you feeling and operating at your best?
- Are you aware of how much sleep or 'down time' you truly require to function well?
- Are you setting healthy boundaries for phone time, 'you' time, work time and how you even interact with family and friends?
- Are you feeling creative, full of ideas, vitality, energy and excitement for work and life (even in restricted times when you do what you love there are always tiny ways to find joy in your day)....
All too often we wear the badge of "being there for others, being busy, dealing with dramas or putting out spot fires.
Usually responsibility of day to day life just comes with #adulting. It's how you approach it that counts.
No matter what the storm, you are the captain of your ship and in the driver's seat of your reactions and how you show up in life.
Suppressing your 'calm' requirements and then blowing a gasket when it all gets too much is on you for not identifying your core base line requirements to feel at least a little bit in a healthy mindset and b communicating with clarity upfront with your kids, partner, colleagues or clients the best way to reach you, reach out or ask for something in a way that respects both your time and theirs.
If you keep saying to yourself anything along the lines of:
- "But everyone needs me"
- "Nikki you don't understand I have to be there for X, Y. Z and a, b and c"
- "I have to do all of this first"
- "When I get done with blah blah or the kids are back to school or the xyz occurs THEN I will put some healthy habits in place..."
....then chances are you are not being clear and showing up for yourself.
Vital ingredients are your non negotiable aspects of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Ones that you can attain to do on a basic level and maintain.
They are unique to you.
Defining your Vital Ingredients - Unique to you
As human beings, we all have different things that light us up and make us tick.
Knowing the core ones and being able to identify them gives you a much higher chance of sustainable success. If you do not define what you want and need, then you will absolutely get what you are given.
For example:
- What is your personal prescription for happiness, health and prosperity?
- What environments and ecosystems best suit you?
- Are you a morning person or an evening person? Mountains or ocean? coffee or tea?
- How can you integrate more of these elements into your days and weeks to create sustainable energy, harmony and success?
In the podcast episode how to define your vital ingredients, I guide you through:
- Why vital ingredients are so important to each unique individual, how to make time to sit down and define yours.
- What to do to ensure you can take small steps to create your vital weekly and daily habits
- How to communicate your wonderful aspects that help you be your personal best to ensure support and understanding without 'selling it in' to those who are in your inner circle.
Remember you are in the driver's seat of life. If you take the time to define what makes you perform, recharge and operate at your best in call conditions, you can break up with overwhelm for good.
PS Got one of our products come join me on the private RSB Mojo Maker Academy Facebook Group!
Don't wait for the world to be perfect around you, instead create your best sort of day from within.
I hope this helps you feel more in the driver's seat of your life and work and empowered to be calm and centred in any storm.
Much Mojo to you,
To download the FREE worksheet click here
To attend the Free Webinar coaching on DEFINING YOUR VITAL INGREDIENTS with me, click here!
Radical Self Belief the Book and Course All this and more can be found in the best selling book RADICAL SELF BELIEF and even better, get your full access to the online 12 week course (do it at your pace) and the course comes with a copy of the book too.
COURSE: Click here for more info!
BOOK: with 10% off signed copies
Here's a little reminder on how to stay accountable and show up for yourself