TMM115 Mindset Mojo
Apr 01, 2020
Mindset Mojo : The Power Of Your Thoughts During Challenging Times
How to stay centred, grounded and lead from within no matter what is going on around you.
The power of your thoughts - How to get through abandonment and reach out to those you love regardless of where you sit right now
3 tools to not feel so isolated, not feel so abandoned and to really connect with self and others in a way that really counts...
Mindset Mojo - Harness positive energy - what you think about expands
The first way is the power of energy. We all know, "I'm thinking about you and the phone rings." I
t's that same person or you send a text or thoughts are extremely powerful. What you think about expands, so choose your thoughts very, very wisely at the moment.
If there is someone out there that you truly love or that you miss or that you're anguished about, this is the time more than ever to send compassion and conversation and to imagine yourself in the same room as that person.
Mindset Mojo - Release resentment and judgement
Go with the flow
How you use this time now the sense of self discipline, purpose, self reflection is actually a gift to stop racing around and having to be 17 million places.
It's an opportunity for you to dive deeper into what truly matters, to think about who truly matters to you and who you are and what skills you haven't tapped into.
Your unlimited potential to be creative, to be co creative, to be visionary, to understand more about what you need to, to operate in this fast paced world. Because it won't be the same when come out of this.
Mindset Mojo - Be Aware But Don't React
You'll notice a few things as you go through the next few weeks. It will start to repel you, things will trigger you. You'll get annoyed. You'll get frustrated. You'll get fed up. You'll get a reaction to something.
HOWEVER: what's really important is that you understand that any reaction is actually inside of yourself.
So observe yourself, understand where all these things are coming from and just be in a state of curiosity, not fear. Be prepared, but don't be scared.
Please focus your energy and thoughts on those you care about or who need you more than ever (even if they are oceans away) - everything has a frequency ...choose where you resonate.
Mindset Mojo - Be Curious
It requires the next level, the next dimension of interacting not just the usual autopilot ways, but the rays that really make a difference.
The ripple effect to how we energetically interlink intellect and engagement in this world.
This is one of those times that you get to shine. Reach out, stay vibing high.
Remember, great leaders shine in the face of adversity so this could be your time.
Thanks for tuning in. I hope this message reminds you that no matter where you're sitting right now, you're not alone. We're all in this together.
As always, we'd love your review on iTunes, or you can jump on to my Mojo Maker - Vitality Coach TV On YouTube. Subscribe and hit the notification bell. đź””